HVC Series Medium Voltage Local Capacitor Bank
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HVC Series Medium Voltage Local Capacitor Bank

  • capacitive power factor correction for 1-35kV/50(60)Hz system

  • HVC-10-300

  • Indoor/ Outdoor

  • Sanhe


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HVC series medium voltage local capacitor bank is widely used in the medium voltage electric equipment of metallurgy, mining, petrochemical Industry, drainage and other fields. It can work well in compensating long-distance wire loss, increase of power factor, reduce line loss, save energy, stabilizer voltage and improve the quality of power grid. HVC is mainly composed of shunt capacitors, and protection units. It is connected with three phase AC power distribution system of 50 or 60Hz and rated voltage 3-10Kv and installed around the asynchronized motor or inductive equipment.


Equipped with high quality three or single phase high voltage power capacitor, high reliability, long operating life and low running temperature;

Improve power factor up to 0.95, reduce reactive power loss

Improve power quality, transformer load factor and electrical equipment efficiency;

Equipped with high voltage spray type or current-limiting fuse as short-circuit protection to ensure safe running of the equipment;

Equipped with discharging coil, which has the function of the residual voltage going below 50V within 5 minutes after off-power;

Equipped with high voltage electric monitor,magnetic lock and watch window which has compulsory interlock function to ensure operator's safety.


IEC 60871-1:2014

GB/T 11024.1-2019

GB 50227-2017

GB/T 30841-2014

DL/T 604-2009

Q/RCSW 002-2005

Model Guide

Primary Diagram

Model Selection Guide

Please specify the rated voltage, the equipment capacity and whether the reactor is series or not.What is your special requirement?

HVC local compensation equipment is almost cabinet type, which can be fixed around the capacitor room, power distribution room and generator of the production room.

The solution of equipment capacity should consider calculating the generator vacant load capacity, such, it can avoid the self-incentive cause the generator insulation damaged.


Generator rated voltage: 10Kv

Demand: 264kvar compensation capacity

Require:6% reactor which can detune 5 times or above harmonic and limit inrush current.

Sanhe solution:HVCR-10-300 reactive power compensation equipment. Its rated capacity:300kvar,the output capacity is 264kvar while bus bar voltage is 10Kv. It is single cabinet in1000x1400x2200mm, single phase capacitor.


Q: Why we choose HVC reactive power local compensator?

A:HVC is fixed type capacitor which was designed for appointed load. The load need be improved power factor. It is widely used in mine,petrol chemistry and water supply etc.


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